NICODOM IR Fibers (457 spectra)


The infrared spectral library „NICODOM IR Fibers“ is a unique collection of 457 FTIR (ATR) digital spectra of fibers.


Examples of fiber types:


Acetate, Acrylic, Animal, Natural, Nylon, Olefin, Polyester, Rayon, Mixed Fibers, and most other fiber types.


The spectra were collected using the FTIR Spectrometer Nexus 670 ™ (Thermo) and the Miracle™ single bounce ATR accessory (Pike Technologies) equipped by Si and diamond crystal.

The spectral library features resolution of 4cm-1 in the spectral range 600-4000 cm-1, measurement time 1 minute.


The samples were selected and spectra collected 2006-2007, the Nicodom IR Libraries include many new substances which came to market during the last decade.


Typical information about the sample contains:


Code: FB001                                          

Trade name: Comfortrel                          

Composition: Polyester     

Manufacturer:  Wellman


Code: FB024           

Trade name: Firenze

Composition: 30% Wool, 30% Acrylic, 40% Nylon   

Manufacturer:  Plymouth Brand



This library is available as digital searchable library compatible with your spectroscopic software. Also it can be delivered with SEARCH software or in *.pdf format.

This spectral library can be ordered separately or as a part of the library packages.

More information about the library package:


To download the list of spectra from this library, to download the free Nicodom IR Demo Library (50 spectra) compatible with your software, to check the format compatibility as well as for pricelist, ordering info and information about all NICODOM IR/NIR Libraries and other NICODOM products please visit our webpage. 



NICODOM IR Fibers, 457 IR spectra of fibers

Copyright © NICODOM 2007-2024

NICODOM Ltd., Hlavni 2727, CZ-14100 Praha 4, Czech Republic, EU


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